On Rails

Low budget, primarily single-location production featuring a strong multi-dimensional female protagonist with a romantic character arc and deals with gender fluidity and sexuality coming out of the darkness and into the light. Logline: Lara and Stone brother and sister, board an overnight train in Thessaloniki bound for Prague. It travels under a gypsy moon (once every six years) and they hope to recreate a story they were told by their…Continue reading On Rails

Influence, Nevada

Logline During her senior year, a misfit girl Rissa who isn’t entirely sure she isn’t a doll, sets out to hoodwink the establishment and simultaneously destroy another student (her nemesis) What aspect of her character will prevail? Maybe she is more authentic than the people around her after all. Synopsis CLARISSA STEELE (16), more commonly known as Rissa, is a socially rebellious teenager living in Influence, Nevada. Every day she…Continue reading Influence, Nevada