Inside Your Head

Cyrano with a modern, dark Freudian edge.   An unconventional (and slightly damaged) therapist enlists the voices inside his head to help others. Logline: Moore has a genius daughter, a flamboyant, regressive wife and a prosperous psychology practice but it is facing its first great challenge: Sal, Crystal, Hoc Dog, Ashena, and Electra are all demanding more credit for their contributions to the practice. Alas, exposure will never be possible…Continue reading Inside Your Head

Graceland Alaska

Logline: A band of teen musicians leave their small  town in search of a bigger, grander life. They embark upon a  wild journey where each experience is farther out on the edge until finally they come to a mythical land where music was born. Synopsis: NOCK (18), a teenage, hard rock “philosopher” living on the edge of the world  (doorway to the interior country) has a life goal that just…Continue reading Graceland Alaska