Inside Your Head

Cyrano with a modern, dark Freudian edge.   An unconventional (and slightly damaged) therapist enlists the voices inside his head to help others. Logline: Moore has a genius daughter, a flamboyant, regressive wife and a prosperous psychology practice but it is facing its first great challenge: Sal, Crystal, Hoc Dog, Ashena, and Electra are all demanding more credit for their contributions to the practice. Alas, exposure will never be possible…Continue reading Inside Your Head

Little Alien

Never has an alien spent so much energy searching for a reason NOT to destroy earth. Logline: Isyrus (Lucas Bates) appeared out of nowhere just outside the town of Little, Nevada. He got his name off the milk carton, a job at the convenience store, and carries a mysterious 21-day countdown clock.  He meets Noah, a child with no future who helps him figure out if there is anything on…Continue reading Little Alien

Day 90

Microbudget dramedy based around the founding and necessary failure of a band. Logline: An extremely talented but isolated musician, Jazz (18), works in a music store and supports his mother. On discovering that a band lasts on average only ninety days, he decides to put one together. With fake musicians and singers, Youtube, an old roadie, and his own exceptional musical talents, The Accidents become a hit, but in the…Continue reading Day 90